Blogger Award!! & facts about me.

This is my first Blogger award thingy and probably my last. Thanks to Priyasha for the nomination, sorry for the late post.

1.Thank the blogger who nominated you and share their link.
2.Nominate up to 10 bloggers for the award and provide links to their blogs.
3.Also, inform them about the nomination.
4.Reveal 7 facts about your self we that your readers may not know

Facts About Me-

  1. I’m a doctor currently working at the best hospital in the country as an Honorary Medical Officer, which is basically work for free for 6 months/ 1 year and get a certificate that’s not considered as qualification. #OnlyinBangladesh.
  2. I want to write fiction and non-fiction. I have couple of things in my mind but every time I begin writing I get paralyzed with fear that these words are worthless horse excrement also I hardly get any time at all now with all work and study. It’s excruciating to realize that one day I’ll be just another middle age pot bellied middle class man with an entry in the library of the unpublished books.
  3. Once I went to a Psychiatrist and was asked, “What do you do in your past time?” I couldn’t answer. “What are you thinking, you must have some hobbies?”

        “Oh I do but I’m just trying to remember if I have anything except hobbies.”

  1. I love reading; Fiction, non-fiction, occasionally medical text books. Sci-Fi and genre fiction are my favorites but I love well written anything. I have this fascination for meaningful words tied into an epic prose firing in all cylinders with highs as high as the azure firmament and lows as low as pits of hell.
  2. “Son, I think you should be a doctor. It’s good for your future. But what do you say?”

“Father let me get in this Film and journalism course and I swear you’ll see my name in the newspapers one day.”

“Yea, okay then medical it is.”

  1. My favorite place in earth is  St. Martin’s Island, Bay of Bengal
  2. Sometimes I runaway and go off the grid.

Now for the nominations- Roza – moorezart – Kittyverse – Sangbad – Varuna – Aishwarya – Polomi – Through The Coloured Glass

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